26 Kasım 2008 Çarşamba


All around my living room
Lives the spirit of my childhood
A photograph here another there
On the walls with yellow papers
My beautiful mom my handsome dad
Look affecionately at me
Reflecting their spirits on me

I live on without their actual protection
But they are alive in my heart
In my prayers
All the time I take action
Against this rash living world...

Ayten Suvak

19 Kasım 2008 Çarşamba

Your Dancing Planet

Your life's cha cha cha
One step forward
One step backward ha ha ha
Go merrily sideways
Turn around
Stop talking bla bla bla
The world's dancing
Dollars Yens Euros on the air
Don't change the music
Economic rhythym's fair
For dancers
Shaking to the music of coins
You swing back and forth
Happily but pennyless in this world
Hoping your chance music's on the air
In another planet...

Ayten Suvak

17 Kasım 2008 Pazartesi

Warm November

I like you
And everything like you
Which gives me warmth

No matter winter's coming forth
Heath's still within me
The summer's with me

A warm November afternoon
In the garden
I'm caressing my black kitten

His purr's in my ear
I 've no cold feelings
Although a somehow cold wind's blowing

My kitten's trembling
There's warm milk for him indoors
Where always summer blows...

Ayten Suvak

8 Kasım 2008 Cumartesi

The New Winner

O My God

Bless our mulatto
Our dear Afro
BARACK HUSEIN OBAMA the world's new motto...

Ayten Suvak

ASlolan ASktır

5 Kasım 2008 Çarşamba


Even sometimes be meek
I wish I could defeat
My heart so weak
Whenever we make scenes
Could there be rosy whims
A different caprice it seems
We have each

How wonderful would it be together reach
A peak so unreachable
Even better than that to separate
If you be an unmanageable shrew
Verified by each love parade...

Ayten Suvak