20 Temmuz 2012 Cuma
AS-You Raven
You’re like the raven
Sure you don’t come from heaven
You croak of some ill
Deep inside me I feel
We’ll separate dancing
To the Chattanooga Choo Choo
And to the Moonlight Serenade
I’ll listen to Enigmas’ Mea Culpa
Sipping an acrid lemonade
Far away from you in my abyss
I’ll begin humming a popular air
All the time concocting the most daring snare
I’ll show a savage mingling of two tastes fair
Two’s a company three’s a crowd
I’ll kick the third person aside
In three bounds I’d fall upon pride
I’ll make you stoop to conquer
Before someone other make you
A potential prey
For a passion darker
Darker than the raven...
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3 Temmuz 2012 Salı
AS-The Broken Tiles
The water leaks
the neighbours complain-
I live in a broken mug
It’s early morning. The sun’s rising in the east. I open the door of my room, then the windows. I let the fresh air in. I feel the soothing effect of water on my cheeks. In the
nearby hospital the staff’s having their early breakfast. Cats are still asleep under the bushes.
A crow is on top of the pine tree, another one’s crowing on the acacia.. Men and women are preparing their vehicles for the megacity’s traffic jam in that oppressive heat.
I start the daily chores after a while. I take the eggplants, zucchinis, domatoes, green peppers
and whatever vegetable I can hold of, out of the fridge. I’ll be cooking a summer dish which
I call summersolstice. Soon potable water delivery man is going to ring the bell. Oh, there’s
a knock at the door already, but he’s carrying no demijohn on his shoulder.
“Sorry if I disturb you at that hour, but there’re some drops of water leaking into my bathroom from yours.”
A shudder runs down my spine; I watch the articulation of this sentence on my neighbour’s mouth, my eyes wide open. His words bursting out rapidly are stumbling over one another. In my perplexity I can realise that I’m going to play the most desperate housewife till the broken tiles will be mended properly.
Cats can be meowing
the noise of the drill in my head-
I only hear the plumber
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