29 Şubat 2012 Çarşamba

AS-I Missed You Pathetically

Let’s not talk about poetry
While we drink coffee
But no smoking either
Please my lackey

Tell me the apoesy of the moment
My arms folded I’ll listen to your parrot-repetition
I know you find romance only in coition
Good luck comes while loving you say
Like lover like love
A whole lot of nothing
‘Stinkin thinkin’
Beware lest the cup should overflow
My lordly Priapus
My bizarre horn-book is on an apathetic nexus
Exquisite sensation by the touch of forged verses

Our naked souls against each other
Take my no-poems jerkily
Open the citadel wherein reposes the pathetic fallacy
My spiritual virginity
Enjoy the sweet effluvia tasting strangely
Press the region of love deliciously
While you scribble a thrilling no-poem on a cup of coffee

If it’s literary gossip we’re at
Let’s move to a lonely corner
While ferreting out our intimate secrets
With a polished air and refined language
I’m ready to write no-poems on purple and orange...

Ayten Suvak

17 Şubat 2012 Cuma

AS-Dear Sir

Junior or senior
Ever so superior
Royal in appearance
Eagle sharp in glances
Mercury in Virgo advances
Year 1948 passes by in full graces

I love watching your films
Rare as you are in acting abilities
On the air your fine British accent scintillates
No other word better suits you than idol
Sir you already deserve the title...

Ayten Suvak

14 Şubat 2012 Salı

AS-Tantric Lovers' Day

Tantric Lovers’ Day

Moonlight be your fee
You’re my only ducky

Take all you want of me
All for love-love for all
No sentence is more yuppy
Ready am I to be led astray
In the red mist of intangibility
Communion of our souls deliciously

Don’t ever desert me
Anchor in me
Rock’n’Roll with me
Longing in you love-token in me
It was-It will be-It is me
Never will stop wanting thee
Grunt my wish to belong to thee...

Ayten Suvak

5 Şubat 2012 Pazar

AS-What's Wrong With...

Dancing With An Illusion?

Isn’t it better than reality’s disillusion?
Can you be 20 cm. shorter?
Can I be 20 cm. taller?
Our height doesn’t match in corporeality
Dimensions are coated creamy
In an illusion world so dreamy
Yes illusions are uncanny
But good for the tantric Cunny
If one’s stricken with timidity
In the cyborgian illusion everything’s free

I can only be me in the space of fantasy
Let be an illusionist my addressee
Let my heart be full of sympathy
Let my love come phantomly on me
I’ll dance with that verity illusionary
Totally beside myself with glee
Don’t ever make my illusion fleshy
I’ll be damn ashamed of my nudity
What do you make with a humbly innocent angel
Wouldn’t ours better be a dream weaving activity?

Ayten Suvak

2 Şubat 2012 Perşembe


The World Over Jooble

Jooble jooble everyone’s at work
Nobody’s without work in the World
We have security jooble jooble
Our address is hopping in the google
Career aimed persons may jooble
Yellow pages may have double jooble jooble
On weekends everybody can triple jooble jooble jooble
Part-time jobs have innumerable jooble
Everybody jooble for the employee of the month
Productive researchers may add to the fund
With jooble nobody’s short of life’s account
Jooble is also for the house cleaning round
Students can jooble forever
Jooble can answer all questions ever
No head is drooped when all is joobly clever...

Ayten Suvak